„So wie wir hier zusammen sind“
Short movie from "Kurzgeschichten" of Alexander Kluge
Sound/light assistant: Frédéric Krauke
Writer/Director: Sophie Kluge
Production: Prêt-Á-Tourner Produktion

„Unterschiede verfilmen“
Experimental short movie based on the eponymous text of Alexander Kluge
Writer/Director/Cinematographer/Editing: Frédéric Krauke

„Rehe blicken nicht nach oben“
Experimental short movie based on the eponymous text of Alexander Kluge
Cinematographer: Frédéric Krauke
Director: Aline Helmcke
Production: UDK-Berlin

„Der Blitzkrieg – Das Prinzip der Überraschung“
Mitarbeit: Frédéric Krauke
Production: Alexander Kluge

Experimental short movie based on the eponymous text of Alexander Kluge
Writer/Director/Cinematographer/Editing: Frédéric Krauke
Production: UDK-Berlin

Experimental video installation
Writer/Director/Cinematographer/Editing: Frédéric Krauke
Production: Frédéric Krauke

„Bunny the bitch“
Experimental short movie
Writer/Director/Cinematographer/Editing: Frédéric Krauke
Production: Frédéric Krauke

„Sprich mit mir“
Short movie
Main manager: Frédéric Krauke
Production: MonstaMovies productions

„Dynamik der Großstadt“
Filmic experiment from Lászlò Moholy-Nagy
Project team: Nike Arnold, Prof. Dr. Andreas Haus, Aline Helmcke, Frank Hoppe, Frédéric Krauke, Walter Lenertz
Production: UDK-Berlin

Experimental short movie
Writer/Director/Cinematographer/Editing: Frédéric Krauke
Production: Frédéric Krauke